Thursday, November 30, 2023



Travelling is the bridge to beneficial interaction,integration,
cross-cultural fertilisation of ideas and globalisation. The world feels bruised and embittered when travelling is banned. The world is peopled by travellers.A known traveller was recently garlanded academically. High Chief Dennis Brutu Otuaro is  the known traveller. 

Dennis Otuaro is a traveller whose journeys had taken him virtually to all corners of the world on a 'Kuru' canoe paddled dexterously. It was this traveller, this sailor, called  High Chief Dennis Otuaro who had been away from home for years, waited for eagerly in the Gbaramatu home of Gbaramatus,  that got academically laurelled at the University of Benin, Benin-City, Edo State on the 25th of November 2023 as the Doctor of Philosophy in Comparative Politics and Development Studies. 

Educationally grounded as his foundational pier for engagement of developmentally and ideologically hostile institutions in Nigeria and beyond, for Dennis Otuaro the era of systematic 'mumufication' and 'zombification' of oil-rich communities, the era of sitting 'zigidi'  and manipulating them histrionically as bribable puppets and giving them derogatory epithets to justify the targeted unabated developmental 'zigidification' is over.

Beleaguered by teleologically explainable and excusable interruptions and disruptions, the sailor called Dennis Otuaro  journeyed like the current-governed crests of waves on River Forcados to Ayakoromo Grammar School  and Ogbe-Ijoh Grammar School  for his secondary education between 1991 and 2007.However the dictate of the teleological distractions, his gargantuan thirst for secondary education was at last assuaged like the journey of the magi at ease when they saw Jesus ultimately and honoured him.This Kuru canoe journeys also took him to the Delta State University, Abraka where he had first degree in Political Science in 2005 and journeyed further to the University of Benin where he had two Master degrees in International Relations, and Public Administration respectively in 2008 and 2009. At the peak of his rigorous paddling journeys he was deservedly clothed in the academic regalia of a Doctor of Philosophy in Comparative Politics and Development Studies at the University of Benin. In all his rigorous canoe journeys from the Gbaramatu Kingdom, Dennis Otuaro was fired and inepired by Aime Cesaire’s  thought that: 'No race has a monopoly on beauty, or intelligence, or strength, and there will be a place for all at the rendezvous of victory'.
Vis-a-vis Dennis Otuaro's inspiration by Aime Cesaire's thoughts, implicated here is that the predisposition to monopolization or hegemonisation of the common space of existence by the enemies of Niger Delta development, grounded in educational height and strength, could be curtailed or minimised with rigorous canoe journeys like Dennis Otuaro's to different corners of the world because a gilded designated seat awaits one at the end of the journeys like the  glorious world   awaiting the good ones at the end of this age if we  must speak eschatologically to dignify  some biblical teachings set down dogmatically for ages.

Always around Dennis Otuaro are building blocks of vibrations of anti-establishment thoughts and  quite early in his life as a  member  of the Presidential Council on  Social Economic Development of the Coastal States  of the Niger Delta at a meeting convened, he painstaking let loose his anti-establishment posture by asking President Olusegun Obasanjo salient questions on the Niger Delta.

Dennis Otuaro is an anti-establishment personality whose roots theoretically find grip or traction on the soil of Nietzsche's recommended appropriation of 'forgetfulness' and 'memory' in a selective manner in the optimistic reconstruction of the future as some memories merit relegation while others merit retention.With a conviction in the theoretical appropriateness of Nietzsche's theorised 'forgetfulness' and "memory' and their applicability to the Niger Delta situation in terms of the historical injustices and inanities heaped on it, Dennis Otuaro occasionally creates spaces for governmental and private institutions to engage his resources and capabilities in specific areas.It is with this balanced theoretical conviction that he had over the years
accumulated stimulating working experiences from his solicited engagements with governmental institutions and professional bodies that did not pose a threat to his anti-establishment build at the specified period.With a professional membership of The United States Institute of Peace(USIP), Nigerian Political Science Association and fellowship of The Alternative to Dispute Resolution in Africa(ADR-Africa) and Chartered Institute of Public Management, Dennis Otuaro was appointed members of Delta Waterways Security Council, Delta State(2007-2015), Presidential Committee on Environment of the Niger Delta(2004-2005) and Presidential Council on Social Economic Development of the Coastal State of Niger Delta(2003-2004).

Experientially and professionally engaging and resourceful  at any level whenever his services are engaged, Dr Dennis Otuaro is today appointively engaged as the Special Assistant on Special Duties to the MD/CEO of NDDC.

Dennis always feels temperamentally destabilised, uprooted, sickened and smothered by any indicator of injustices around his environment and he is a genius at discovering injustice no matter how it is disguised.He has tentacles adapted to injustice-discovery.He noises the injustice everywhere in oppositional language to be uprooted without wasting time.This is what inspires and underpins his anti-establishment posture precociously unveiled at a  very young age.It was this anti-establishment posture that powered his canoe journeys to Ayakoromo,Ogbe-Ijoh, Abraka and Benin  - a cumulative result of which is his internalisation of the theoretical thoughts of Ernst Bloch, Ka Mana and Bhabha Komi in their restructured, reconstructed and reconceptualised format applicable to the Niger Delta question. By his creative restructuring of Bloch's 'Marxist utopianism', Ka Mana's 'Imaginaire', and Komi's 'reconceptualisation' of eurocentric discourse weighted to birth  creative hybridisation, purely from political angle, Dennis has demonstrated the capacity of an academic doctor for independent intedisciplinary thinking  and domestication of theories from  other fields -  an independent thinking bound to give him the edge to confront the challenges in his environment that necessitated his canoe journeys to the storehouse of knowledge at different levels of education.

Journeys anywhere are driven by superior reasons. For Dennis Otuaro, his rigorous canoe journeys were driven by his spirit of resistance to exploitation, oppression and objectification masterminded either by individuals or government  - a reason he democratically sought the space of the presidency of the National Union  of  Izon-ebe Students when he was a student of the Delta State University and got it democratically. He had always faulted the exploitative attitude of government  towards Niger Deltans at every level. A strong believer of the utopian theorist Ernst Bloch who is credited with initiation and development of Marxist utopianism, and the Congolese philosopher and theologian Ka Mana who created the theory of 'Imaginaire' as the 'entire framework of beliefs, patterns of thinking and drives that motivates one’s social being', capable of giving Africans clear direction and visibility in government in the wake of the colonial   hangover, Dennis Otuaro would be adequately equipped to pulverise the oppressors and exploiters when educationally grounded to the peak. The philosophy of resistance to oppression is better pursued and executed when people are educationally equipped as they now have the power to view the past and recreate the future in line with present realities through historical reconstruction with a tincture of utopianism as the ideological aphrodisiac.

Educationally equipped, history can be drawn on to execute the war of resistance as it carries both the good and bad memories of the past. However, Dennis Otuaro intellectually questions too much infatuation with history as viewed by Nitzsche in his essay  'The Use and Abuse of History': history 'mutilates and degrades lives’ 'since it drains the vitality needed to build the future’ as critically held by Bill Ashcroft in his essay ‘Remembering  the Future: Utopianism in African Literature'. For a socially healthful and balanced culture, individual or community, some memories got from history must be forgotten , others retained. This is the balance recommended by Nietzche and it is this balance that  is anchored by  Dennis Otuaro in his anti-establishment stands, even with all the education in the world. 

Dennis Otuaro reasons post-colonially in his adoption and appropriation of Bhabha komi’s reconceptualisation as an integral component of his philosophy of resistance though only in a manner described as domesticated and naturalized within his own world of conceptualization. Komi desires reconceptualisation of 'eurocentric representations of the location of  culture'(Studying Literature 212) towards the production of a third space’ centred on interaction and integration without domineering tendencies displayed either by blacks or whites. It is a productive hybridization called into beings here for cohabitation between black people and white people. In a corresponding degree Dennis Otuaro holds that there should be progressive cohabitation between Niger Deltans and the oppressors now that Niger Deltas have been sufficiently educated. Education should produce the hybridised space conceptually breathed by Dennis Otuaro as a conceptual appropriation from Bhabha Komi.

High Chief Dennis Otuaro's movement of the conceptual theories of Ka Mana's Imaginaire, Bloch's Marxist utopianism and Komi's reconceptualisation of Eurocentric discourse  from the literary field to his political field to anchor his anti-establishment stand is what I contextually term 'theoretical naturalization' or 'theoretical engrafting' because it echoes a movement from a terrain of familiarity to a terrain of unfamiliarity that demands theoretical adaptation and acclimatization.

Seemingly on wings of Bloch's Marxist utopianism, Dr Dennis Otuaro and Gbaramatu Kingdom hold theoretically that with education, the injustices done against Niger Deltans in the past by the exploiters would be corrected for proliferationof productive branches from the tree of life, and Niger Deltans strategically positioned as the captains of their future. Seemingly Utopian, outlandish and antediluvian in outlook, yet totally meaningful and acceptable, Bill Ashcroft reveals that 'without a coherent sense of utopianism, liberation is impossible’. It is a theoretical necessity that the liberation thoughts of Dr Dennis Otuaro and Gbaramatu Kingdom be fired by utopianism because utopianism is the sacred reservoir of visionary and revolutionary thoughts.

The decoration of High Chief Dennis Otuaro as an academic doctor who hails from Gbaramatu Kingdom, among many others, carries echoes of targeted Colonialism birthed by Gbaramatus in Gbaramatu Kingdom. Heaving into sight in endless stream from the canals of Gbaramatu River are canoes of doctoral degree holders.It seems the Gbaramatu Kingdom is on a 'Colonialism' mission.Historically, the colonialists that once colonised us pontificated that they were on a civilising mission and dismantled our cultures and perfected cultural superimposition thrown at us.As the contextual colonialists in the Niger Delta with an 'educationing' mission that would see the Gbaramatus acquire PhD in all fields of human endeavour, let us name the Gbaramatu Kingdom the benevolent colonialists whose well-intentioned posture is to occupy the pinnacle of education in every field and apply their acquired theoretical and practical skills in research to solve the problems confronting their terrain in particular and the Niger Delta in general.The mission of Gbaramatus as colonialists is different from the multi-faceted civilising mission of the white colonialists.

Before further journey into the world of Dr Dennis Otuaro and Gbaramatu Kingdom, something historically important must be injected here: though 'Gbaramatued" in Warri South-West Council of Delta State, it cannot be denied and deleted that Dennis Otuaro  aboriginally carries the DNA of Burutu Local Government Area because a part of his biological roots are buried in Obotebe town.Therefore, Obotebe Kingdom in Burutu Local Government Area has as much biological and historical claim on High Chief Dennis Otuaro as Gbaramatu Kingdom in Warri South-West Council.

Undaunted by waiting accusations of walking on my own repeated lines and thoughts, I dare voice again that with the doctoral decoration of Dennis Otuaro and many others from Gbaramatu Kingdom, they have metamorphosed into benevolent colonialists. With  tendentiously crafted Eurocentric discourses the colonialists once controlled and dominated the colonised and superimposed the Western culture on them. Theoretically strengthened by thoughts of Ernst Bloch and Ka Mana, the Gbaramatus appear determined to hegemonise the intellectual space with degrees in all fields from first degree level to the doctoral level. In few years doctoral spaces in every field will be so filled by them that there will be no space for others to occupy. By this the Gbaramatus must have become the benevolent colonialists in the Niger Delta whose colonialism would be limited to the educational space with a potential to win global recognition on behalf of the Niger Delta region on the educational space. 

For Chief Dennis Otuaro driven by  Ernst Bloch's Marxist utopianism  and Ka Mana's Imaginaire  to journey rigorously through a network of rivulets, rivers and oceans on a Kuru canoe, now laurelled a Doctor of philosophy in Comparative Politics and Development Studies, it is with pride and 'Biritorutoru' you are applauded home as the Ozidi of education by Niger Deltans. Proudly hailed also are the Gbaramatus, the benevolent colonialists of Niger delta region  -  whose theoretically based utopian thoughts have admirably become the springboard of doctoral degree holders in the Nigger Delta. May utopianism forever stick to Gbaramatu Kingdom as the tree of educational life so that their benevolent colonialism can perpetually resist the aggression of decolonization and bring global recognition to us in the Niger Delta

By: Ekanpou Enewaridideke
Writes from Akparemogbene,Delta State.

N/Delta youths Commend Tantita for a Job well Done on fight against oil Theft

N/Delta youths Commend Tantita for a Job well Done on fight against oil Theft

..... Presents Award of Excellence to GM Godfrey as King of the youths 

Warri_____ A coalition of various youth bodies in Bayelsa State represented by eminent youths drawn from each organization have unanimously commended the sterling performance and achievements of the indigenous private security firm, Tantita Security Service Nig Limited.

During their visit to the company's office in Warri, the Lead - Convener, Apostle Bodmas Kemepadei who expressed that the essence of the coalition of remarkable youth leaders in Bayelsa State was a clear representation that Tantita Security Service is highly appreciated for their enormous contribution to Youth development and curbing menace in all ramifications. 

Speaking on behalf of the coalition at the event, Comr. Prince Oweibi commended the tremendous achievements and accomplishments of Tantita Security Service. 
" Tantita has helped to curb crude oil theft and Bunkering which illegal process has been a disease to our environment and economy to the Nation at large. Today ; we are happy that the remediation on our lands will begin with us. Tantita has created jobs for teaming youths and has brought about sustainable peace through engagement of youths. We are very happy with the operations as we seek for more collaboration". 

The group further lauds the positive impacts of Tantita Security Services Limited in Bayelsa State, recounting its contribution to security, job creation, economic growth etc.

Moving forward, in what looks like a parliament during plenary section, a motion seeking for a vote of confidence to be passed on Tantita Security Service Limited in continuance and extension of their operation in Bayelsa State was moved by Comr. Owebi Prince,  Seconded by Comr. Elvis Ere and was voted by all 35 representatives of the Youth groups. 
Highpoint of the visit was witnessed by a presentation of award of recognition to Mr. Godfrey Tare Pondi as KING OF THE YOUTHS, owing to his selfless services and contribution to the development of Youths across the Niger Delta Region.

The Coalition also presented an award of excellence performance to the management of Tantita Security Service Limited. 

Receiving the award on behalf of Tantita Security Service Nig Limited, Mr. Godfrey Pondi extolled the coalition for finding the firm worthy of the award and creating an ample time to visit. 
Mr Godfrey Pondi further expressed commitment of Tantita Security Service Limited to fighting illegal Bunkering, also revealing that H.E   Bola Tinubu has approved the extension of Tantita contract for another three years. He stated that the extension will witnessed more contribution and robust engagements for Youths development not forgetting the total commitment of shutting down all menace of crude oil theft as he seek for partnership and collaboration from various organizations.

Kuku visits Ndiomu, urges him to revive vocational centres in N/Delta

Kuku visits Ndiomu, urges him to revive vocational centres in N/Delta

Anuja _____ Kingsley Kuku, former Special Adviser on Niger Delta Affairs to ex-President Goodluck Jonathan, has urged the Interim Administrator of the Presidential Amnesty Programme (PAP) Major General Barry Ndiomu (rtd) to revive and complete all Vocational Training Centers in the Niger Delta region.

Kuku who also served as Chairman of the PAP under the Jonathan administration, made particular reference to the vandalized Vocational Training Center in Kaiama, Kolokuma Opokuma Local Government Area of Bayelsa State, carried out by hoodlums in 2019.
Making the passionate plea at the Presidential Amnesty Office in Abuja on Wednesday while he paid a courtesy visit to the Interim Administrator, Kuku regretted that the facility will undoubtedly cost billions of naira to revive.

“Bring back the center, no matter what it will cost you,” he said, adding that the facility when revived, can serve as advanced training centers for universities in the region, even beyond being a facility for training ex-agitators.

Kuku commended late President Umar Yar’Adua, ex-Presidents Goodluck Jonathan and Muhammadu Buhari, as well as incumbent President Bola Tinubu for the creation and sustenance of the Programme respectively.
On malicious media attacks against Ndiomu, Kuku urged the Interim Administrator to remain steadfast in his “commendable” resolve to impact lives in the Niger Delta. “Nobody will thank you or appreciate you as Interim Administrator. The only thing you will get are abuses. But they will thank you tomorrow,” Kuku added.

Commending the Aviation Resuscitation Programme for Pilots/Aircraft Maintenance Engineers under which some of the beneficiaries are currently undergoing their Type-rating Programme in South Africa, he said, “In today’s Aviation Industry, any Pilot without Type-rating is nothing. You are touching lives. After what you are doing for them now, they will get jobs easily”.

He expressed delight that Ndiomu has brought back hope to the Niger Delta, and assured of his unalloyed support towards sustaining the gains of the Amnesty Programme.

Earlier in his remarks, General Ndiomu told Kuku that his administration is resolutely building on many of his legacies, adding that the enormous number of graduates under the Amnesty Scheme today, can be traced to his (Kuku’s) doggedness to better the lives of ex-agitators.
The Interim Administrator regretted that after such hard work and efforts put in by Kuku, it is “disappointing” and “embarrassing” that his administration came on board and inherited huge debts. “For me, it was a bit irresponsible and reckless. But I came in her to surmount these challenges,” he said.

While noting that the Amnesty Programme has not fully lived up to its objectives, Ndiomu recommended a possible transition of the scheme into “a Social Investment Agency” to directly impact the lives of youths in the region.

Ndiomu futher lamented the vandalization of the Kaiama Vocational Training Center in Bayelsa. He disclosed that when completed, the Vocational Training Center in Agadagba-Obon in Ese-Odo Local Government Area of Ondo State will be named after Kuku.

The Amnesty Office also disclosed that 106 out of over 800 beneficiaries have been trained and certified in various digital skills, in its partnership with the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA). This is as over 600 are currently undergoing various digital courses.

Monday, November 27, 2023

How stubborn Women fail in their Marriages, and Relationships with Relatives

How Stubborn Women Fail in Their Marriages, and Even in Their Relationships with Relatives.

By Amina Al-Harbi, social consultant.

Women who lack emotional intelligence and flexibility in dealing with people around them are the biggest failures in their marriages and their lives. Why? Because,

1- She enters into an egoistic tug of war with her husband, and prefers the voice of her ego to try to overcome him, and in fact she fails before the ego of her husband and the ego of those who are around her, because men become more stubborn in front of a stubborn wife and stubborn sister, and they become more gentle in front of a submissive woman.

2- A headstrong woman thinks that she can win while insisting on her opinion, and she can stand in front of any opposition. She forgets that even if she wins by her obstinacy in her opinion and stand, she loses the heart that was loving her and caring for her.
3- Many narrations and wise proverbs in all the cultures have praised an easy-going, soft, friendly, patient and enduring woman. Even the Messenger (peace and blessings be on him) and the Companions after him, recommended and praised a woman who respects her husband and speaks with softness and wisdom, and in turn he will love her and never leave her.

4- The woman who will obey her husband and stoop to let the storm pass; she is the wise, rational woman who thrives, and holds the family together. The woman who stands like an unyielding dry stick is the one who breaks, suffering irreparable damage.

5- The uncompromising woman clings to her opinion. She tries to constantly perpetuate the illusion of her victory: I win and you lose, I am right and you are wrong. Such a woman destroys herself before destroying others. And she lives a life of sorrowful despondency in this world and the hereafter.
6- From my experiences in marital counseling, I found that mulish women end up in divorce. And bitterly fail in their family and social life.

7- The advice of a bedouin Arab woman to her daughter on the day of her marriage, is considered  by all the successful women the best advice for a woman. She said:
"Be his slave......and surely he becomes your imminent slave".
"Men are kind, generous and benevolent, but a stubborn, foolish woman turns them into enemies."

Finally I quote a wise Sheikh (may God have mercy on him):

I was a civil court judge  for 27 years.........and I found that most of the divorce incidents are caused by the anger of a man, and by the foolish responses of a woman.
In other words, the stubbornness of a woman makes a man ten times more stubborn than her.

Well, in these days of feminism and female affirmative action, l find that the perceptions young women have about what should be their relationship with their spouses is seriously blighted by ego and impatience. They are not willing to work on their inherent flaws and feel the man should be the one to adjust to their own idiosyncrasies. I personally think the above tips works and any woman who wants to make a success of her marriage will do well to follow them.

Bring Developement to ljaw nation, Tamsokunbiri, Okolo tell ljaw leaders

Bring Developement to ljaw nation, Tamsokunbiri, Okolo tell ljaw leaders 

... As Nengi James, Binaebi, Alagoa, Okotete Saibakumo, Elaweremi, others bagged ljaw National Merit Award 

Francis Tayor

Yenagoa ______ The 7th Edition of Proudly ljaw National Merit Award, PRINMA Award Symposium 2023 was successfully held on Sunday 26th November, 2023 at Banquet Hall, Government House, Yenagoa, Bayelsa State Capital with many dignitaries in attendance from all walks of life across the Niger Delta Region.

This year's edition was chaired by the member representing Sagbama/Ekeremor Federal Constituency in National Assembly Abuja, Hon. Fred Agbedi.

In his opening address, the organizer/CEO PRINMA, the proudly ljaw Ambassador, Hon. Tamsokunbiri MMD, thanked and appreciated ljaw people, especially those that graced the 7th edition of PRINMA Award 2023.

He said the focal point of PRINMA is to advocate for ljaw unity, good governance, ljaw nation development and the wayforward.
Tamsokunbiri reiterated that ljaw nation is richly blessed with abundance natural resources of oil and gas but disunity and bad leadership had brought underdevelopment to the region.

He stressed that the pains of ljaw nation underdevelopment and disunity amongst ourselves provoked him to come up with PRINMA to unite us together as ljaw people, as well as to discuss the wayforward for ljaw nation development.

He noted that Proudly ljaw National Merit Award, PRINMA was also packaged to recognize and appreciate illustrious sons and daughters of ljaw nation who had rendered selfless humanitarian services to the society as well as contributed immensely towards the development of ljaw nation.
Speaking on the 'Theme' ljaw Unity, Leadership and Educational lnstitutes and ljaw Development, the keynote speaker, Prof. Okolo Philips PHD, said the ljaw people in the Niger Delta were very free, unique and united before the 1914 Amalgamation by the colonial masters. 

He noted that the ljaws have a unified leadership structure in their various communities and kingdoms.They have common interest, unity of purpose and lived peacefully among themselves and her neighbors in the past.

He emphasized that it was the amalgamation of the Southern and Northern Protectorates by the colonial masters,  the British Government of divide and rule system that brought disunity among the ljaws. He however noted that despite the problems of colonial masters, the ljaws still have some internal problems ranging from bad leadership, pull him down syndrome among others.
Emphasizing on underdevelopment of ljaw nation, Prof. Okolo identified lack of unity, bad leadership and absence of accessable quality federal and state educational institutions in ljaw land as a major problem.

Prof. Okolo concluded by calling on ljaws, both the business and political class to be united devoid of political party's in order to attract even development to ljaw nation.

The lecture was immediately followed by presentation of awards to various recipients by the CEO PRINMA, Hon. Tamsokunbiri in recognition of their selfless services to humanity as well as their contributions to ljaw nation development.

Responding on behalf of the award recipients, Dr. Felix Tuodolo appreciated the organizer of PRINMA, Hon. Tamsokunbiri MMD for the good work he is doing for ljaw nation. 
He further urged ljaw illustrious sons and daughters to continue do their best for the over all development of ljaw nation, adding that one day God will reward them for their sacrifice.

The event also featured display of comedy by Mr. Right Eyerin as well as display of promoter of ljaw traditional songs by FC Story Teller amongst other side attractions.

However, amongst those in attendance at the event include a renowned Niger Delta Environmental Rights activist, Comrade Morris Alagoa, Dr. Felix Tuodolo, Prof. Okolo Philips PHD, ljaw Yin Hon. Barr. Chief. Motere Juliet Yeiwareneghan, Dr. Ahmed Saibakumo, High Chief. Alabo Nengi James, Chief. Tokunbo Godspower Binaebi, Dr. Collins Okotete, Actor Glean Elaweremi, Sir Bright Maya, CEO Bolowou Resort, FC Story Teller, Mr. Right Eyerin among many others.

Friday, November 10, 2023

Amnesty: Ndiomu Urges Ex-agitators to Appreciate FG, PAP Mgt Team

Amnesty: Ndiomu Urges Ex-agitators to Appreciate FG, PAP Mgt Team

Abuja _____ The Interim Administrator of the Presidential Amnesty Programme (PAP), Major General Barry Ndiomu has told ex-agitators of the Niger Delta region to be appreciative of the Federal Government’s efforts and support towards sustaining the amnesty programme. 

General Ndiomu who was speaking when he received the national exco of the Third Phase Ex-agitators of the amnesty programme in his office in Abuja, implored them to also cherish the efforts of the PAP management team for the innovations and initiatives it has introduced to address the welfare needs of beneficiaries in a sustainable manner.

The delegation was led by its National Chairman, Mr. Elaye Slaboh. 

General Ndiomu noted the efforts of the Federal Government to fund the PAP adequately and consistently in the face of scarce resources amidst competing demands and said, “We need to understand that these are financially difficult times and knowing that the Federal Government is doing its best and the PAP administration is working with an unchanged budget in addressing the needs of the ex-agitators are efforts worth applauding”. 
The Interim Administrator explained that the Presidential Amnesty Programme was not established as a social welfare programme for the Niger Delta but rather to address the needs of ex-agitators through formal and non-formal education, skills, and empowerment programmes to reintegrate them back into society.

General Ndiomu stated that “It is agreed the Programme derailed and this is being corrected through the various policy reform initiatives, but it is regrettable that some of the ex-agitators who are supposed to be direct beneficiaries of these policies are ignorantly supporting the old ways which failed to add value to the Programme”. 

On the scholarship scheme, he assured that those ex-agitators who were interested in furthering their academics would be considered on merit since individual universities have spelt-out criteria for admitting students into various disciplines in their respective institutions. 

The Interim Administrator however noted that considering the age of most ex-agitators, what would be more beneficial to them was an empowerment programme such as the PAP cooperative scheme designed to unlock their entrepreneurial potentials. “PACOSOL is deliberately designed to end over dependency and over reliance on monthly stipends. The cooperative is sustainable, and I will do my best to make it work for the good of beneficiaries.” 

General Ndiomu expressed the hope that the Third Phase under Mr. Elaye Slaboh would usher in peace and show more understanding and enjoined those of them from states where the off-cycle elections will be holding this weekend not to allow themselves to be used and vote according to their conscience while eschewing the temptation to engage in acts inimical to democratic principles.

Earlier, the National Chairman of Third Phase Ex-agitators, Mr Elaye Slaboh had intimated that the visit was to appreciate General Ndiomu for the good work he is doing as Interim Administrator in the Presidential Amnesty Programme. “The cooperative scheme is a novelty which has been widely accepted and more ex-agitators are eager to subscribe. Those who have received their loans have established businesses while others have upscaled their existing enterprises". 

Mr. Slaboh assured that the Exco of the Third Phase Ex-agitators under the new leadership will work closely with the management team of the PAP to realize set objectives and take advantage of existing opportunities such as scholarships, empowerment, and training programmes to improve on the welfare of their members. 
The group presented a plaque to General Ndiomu in recognition of his efforts in steering the Presidential Amnesty Programme towards safe Harbor.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Bayelsa 2023: Grassroot Movement distributes food items to voters in Yenagoa

Bayelsa 2023: Grassroot Movement distributes food items to voters in Yenagoa 

......... Assures Governor Diri of Clear Coast to   Victory on Saturday 11

Yenagoa____ As Governor Diri rounds off campaign in a well attended retreat on Tuesday 6th November, 2023 Just a couple of days to the Bayelsa State Governorship election, come Saturday 11th, 2023, members of a Front line  NGO, tagged Grassroot Movement For the Re - Election of Governor Douye
Diri and his Deputy, Senator Lawrence Ewhrudjakpo stormed Yenagoa today, the Bayelsa State Capital to distribute souvenirs, food stuff and other materials to the less privilege teaming supporters
and the mases who came in solidarity  for absolute support of Governor Diri Second tenure re - election bid.
The event which was organized centrally in Yenagoa the Bayelsa State Capital attracted all relevant stakeholders of who is who in Bayelsa State politics with the teaming supporters assuring Governor Diri
of clear coast to Victory come Saturday 11th, November, 2023.
The Grassroot Movement  with a numerical strength spreading across the length and breath of the State, later proceeded to the various creeks, wards and units across the three Senatorial Districts equally distributing souvenirs and other items as the people applauded the gesture and promised to keep a date with history by re - electing Governor Diri again to continue his laudable prosperity agenda, to the glory of God.
Speaking during the unique political
gathering, on behalf of the Front line Grassroot Movement, Hon. Abel Ebifemowei - Bayelsa Central Coordinator ,Hon. Alex Jenakumo - Bayelsa West Coordinator, Hon. Charity Kens Godwin - Deputy Coordinator in their various speeches  stated that indeed Governor Douye Diri has done very well by bringing prosperity to the people, which is the major reason the mases are clamoring for his re -election as the mammoth crowd of supporters tell us  one simple story  that our talk na do Governor deserves second tenure after the robust score card of the first tenure.
Hon George Turner - Deputy Co-ordinator, Bayelsa East. Chief Natus Zebakame - Deputy Coordinator, Bayelsa Central and others who also spoke hinted that the DIRI/LAW Re - Election Movement is a foundation laid by Concerned Bayelsans for Good Governnance, a people of good
conscience who have deplored their
personal resources and  dedicated
themselves  to the growth
and development of Bayelsa State
to the glory of God.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

4 Days to Bayelsa Polls: Stakeholders Affirm Clear Coast for Gov. Douye Diri

4 Days to Bayelsa Polls: Stakeholders Affirm Clear Coast for Gov. Douye Diri

Yenagoa____ The masses and critical stakeholders across board in Bayelsa State just 4- Days left for the
Saturday, November 11th  election in the State have pledged their total and unalloyed support to vote enmass to re - elect  Governnor Douye Diri to continue the
People oriented  prosperity Government that has brought massive development and renewed hope to the people of Bayelsa State.

This consensus position to sweep the election for Douye Diri and Senator Lawrence Ehrudjakpor 
was declared openly by different stakeholders  who spoke on behalf of the voters during the grassroot engagement by Concerned Bayelsans  For Good Governance,
a Frontline NGO tagged  Grassroot Movement For The Re-election of DIRI/LAW which engaged 
the people at the grassroot level to canvass for more voters to support Governor Douye Diri which is
today the undeniable bride of the good people of Bayelsa State.

The Movement For The Re - Election of Diri/Law which took the campaign to the door step of the electorates met a mammoth crowd which cut across party borders/affiliations that were solidly on ground  all ready in one accord as they raised their voices in implicit support of the DIRI/LAW re -election bid which according to them is the only option that can genuinely guarantee continuity of prosperity for all Bayelsans.
During the grassroot engagement by the     the Concerned Bayelsans For Good Governance, under the auspices of Grassroot Movement  For Douye Diri Re - Election, all who spoke 
asserted that Bayelsa has never had it so good until Douye Diri the Miracle Góvernór came on board with unquantifiable goodwill  for the people of Bayelsa State.

The teaming  supprters 
in their various endorsement statements affirmed that Governor Douye Diri has proven his mettle, as God sent to stand in the gap for the People of Bayelsa in this era like Moses did for the lsraelites when they departed Egypt to the Promised land.

The People who emphasized the need to continue the DIRI/LAW re -election maintained that Bayelsa is already agog with so much done already to highlight the successful achievements of the Diri led PDP Government which has brought so much joy to the masses. 

Women leaders of various group and a good number of youth organizations in their seperate comments concluded that Douye Diri is the man with the Midas Touch ordained by God to lead Bayelsa in this dispensation,
hence everything is working in his favour.

They made themselves  very clear in their speeches that Douye Diri Re - election is a done deal and a matter already settled.
The elated supporters  however, thanked  the members of the  Grassroot Movement For the Re Election of 
DIRI/LAW aka Concerned
Bayelsans For Good Governance for
the wonderful and good job they are doing to ensure continuity in Government House Yenagoa.

Worthy of significant note is the distinct fact that these teaming supporters of the DIRI/LAW re- election movement cut across party borders and affiliations in wooing voters from the nook and cranny of the the three senatorial districts of the State as they take the bold initiative, to come over to sensitize and motivate the people to keep a date with destiny by coming out on Saturday 11th, November 2023 to vote enmass for Douye Diri the tested and trusted Governor.

Abel Ebifemowei (Osuwo),- Coordinator, Bayelsa Central, Hon. Ebi Ben Okolo -Coordinator  Bayelsa of the Grassroot Movement For the Re - Election of Douye Diri 
while addressing the supporters during the campaign stated that the PDP has consistently delivered on its campaign promises and has the experience and knowledge required to lead Bayelsa into a brighter future, and that voting for DIRI/LAW, will mean a sure ticket for better living.

Speaking in the same vein, Hon. Alex Jenakumo - Bayelsa West Coordinator and Hon. Charity Kens Godwin - Deputy Coordinator of
the Grassroot Movement 
during the engagement appealed to all the electorates to make their promises good by coming out enmass on Saturday 11th of November, 2023 
to cast their votes for  the re-election of DIRI/LAW to re - enact the mandate of the Miracle Governor for a 
second tenure of unassailable  developmental projects.
Local government, Wards and Units Representatives who were all on ground 
asserted that going by the popularity 
at the moment, Douye Diri re -election bid  should be considered as a mission already accomplished.

Hon George Turner - Deputy Co-ordinator, Bayelsa East, Chief Natus Zebakame - Deputy Coordinator, Bayelsa Central and other well respected  community Leaders who added their weight to the Diri Phenomenon remarked that Governor Douye Diri first tenure is one good turn that truly deserves another come Saturday 11th November,2023.

PAP: Second Batch of 20 Aircraft Engineers Start Mandatory Training

PAP: Second Batch of 20 Aircraft Engineers Start Mandatory Training

Lagos _____ Another set of 20 ex-agitators from the Niger Delta Region have commenced a five-week mandatory training that will lead to their certification and type rating as licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineers. A 12-month on-the-job training (OJT) will precede this experience after they successfully graduate from the class course phase of the program.

The beneficiaries are part of the 75 Pilots/Aircraft Maintenance Engineers under the Presidential Amnesty Programme (PAP) Aviation Training Scheme, out of which a first set of 20 Aircraft Maintenance Engineers successfully graduated recently on October 31, 2023.

Charging the beneficiaries in his goodwill message on Monday in Lagos at a Program Inauguration Event, the PAP Interim Administrator, Major General Barry Ndiomu (Rtd) noted that the flag-off of training for the second batch is another “promise Kept” by his administration.
Ndiomu who was represented by PAP’s Head of Reintegration, Mr. Wilfred Musa, posited that currently, the global aviation industry is expanding at a rapid pace and manpower development is being emphasised by both the industry operators and regulators.

He reiterated that by this specialised program, the PAP has become a critical supplier of strategic manpower to the global aviation industry. 

He added that the PAP is poised to sustain this momentum of creating cutting-edge opportunities for the career advancement of Niger Deltans. He added that it is in line with President Bola Tinubu's "Renewed Hope Agenda" for the all important Niger Delta region and Nigeria.

Ndiomu further charged the beneficiaries to prove naysayers wrong who suggest that the program is a waste of resources, by striving to be the best. “You represent not just the future of the Niger Delta, but the future of Nigeria and the global aviation industry,” he said. “The PAP has provided you with all you require to succeed on this journey, what you owe us in return is excellence", he added.

In a separate remark, Managing Director of Alom Aviation Services Ltd, Captain Austin Omame, commended the PAP Interim Administrator for pushing on with the Aviation Resuscitation Program, adding that with their OJT/Type rating licences in their hands, they can secure aviation jobs anywhere in the world.
Onyeama Kingsley, one of the beneficiaries who spoke on behalf of the second batch trainees, promised that they would reciprocate the efforts of the PAP with dedication and hard work.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Isoko nation cry out to Gov. Sheriff to fix Enenurhie/Enhwe collapse bridge

Isoko nation cry out to Gov. Sheriff to fix Enenurhie/Enhwe collapse bridge

The people of Enenurhie/Enhwe Community's in Isoko South Local Government Area of Delta State, has cried out to the Governor of Delta State, His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori to come to their aid as a matter of urgency and public importance to fix the collapsed Enenurhie/Enhwe bridge head as well as the bad portion of the road in order to save them from untimely death and hardship.

In a statement released on Saturday by Mr. Wilson Macaulay, a seasoned journalist and a correspondent of the African Pride Newspaper Online through an SOS appealed to Governor Oborevwori to use his good office to intervene on the plight of Deltans, especially the lsoko nation by putting the failed bridge head to order for the good use of residents of Enenurhie/ Enhwe Community's and other motorist across Delta plying the road.
Read in full details of the SOS below:

Colapse Enenurhie/Enhwe Bridge, An SOS Call On Governor Oborevwori to Fix the Bad Portion 

By Wilson Macaulay

ln the cause and   process of my routine assignment across Delta  State as an lndependent 
Road Journal Corresspondent of the African Pride Newspaper Online, l came across a failed section of the busy
Enenurhie/Enhwe road and Bridge connecting the East-West Road leading to Ughelli in Delta State, and traversing Bayelsa State to
Portharourt in Rivers State.
ln the light of my civic responsibility
as a member of the "Fourth Estate of the Realm", the traditional  watch dog of our society as the saying goes, l felt morally compelled to bring this ugly situation to the attention of our State Governor, His Excellency, RT Hon Sheriff Oborevwori to fix the mess at the bridge head of the Enenurhie/ Enhwe bridge which collapsed on Thursday November 2nd, 2023 to mitigate the suffering of  the masses in that economic corridor from the menance of the fallen bridge head and failed sections of the road.
Truth be told, as we speak, vehicular movement has been truncated as motorist can no longer access the East-West road to go either to Ughelli or Porthacourt, an experience which has brought alot of pain and hardship to the innocent people of Enenurhie and Enhwe when they least expected it.

l spoke with some of the people who were  trapped in the milieu and they painted a gory picture of the situation thus:

Mr Keno Omofezi, a motorist who was on his way from lgbide to Oleh enroute the Enenurhie / Enhwe Road lamented saying: " It is indeed painful to think about  the situation we found ourselves. As you can see,  the damage is much, collosal and terrible. Kindly call on our Góvernor to come and help us out of the dish we suddenly found ourselves.'
Continuing, Mr Keno Omofezi added:" This  Road and bridge is very dear to us because it connects the whole of lsoko communities to
the popular East-West Road, so we cannot afford to stay without it, hence the compassionate appeal
for the Governor to hear our cry early and come to our rescue because  the situation apparently    need urgent attention without any sentimentality."

Mr Peter Manson, Enenurhie President General who was also trapped in the eye of the storm while gazing  helplessly at the cut - off bridge head said: " This damage is beyond community effort, the Delta State Government under the leadership of Rt Hon Sheriff Oborevwori should graciously come to our aid to help us out; " he pleaded.

However, Mr Anthony  Okpiyalele, a passer-by suggested a short term action, saying that the State Government should  fix the damage bridge head while on a long term basis a new bridge longer should be proposed and constructed later as a lasting solution to this problem.

African Pride Newspaper Online findings indicate that, the reality on ground based
on the laudable antecedents of how the MORE Agenda is targetted towards masses oriented Projects, we have plausible reasons to believe and assert that this "Compassionate Appeal of Save our Souls " (SOS ) message sent to Gov. Sheriff Oborevwori 
through this veritable platform will strike the right cord in him to magnanimouslly   dispatch Hon Charles Aniagwu, the Hon Commissioner for  Works, Rural and Riverine Areas  to go and upgrade the collapsed Enenurhie /Enhwe bridge head which serves the general interest of the lsoko people in particular, and the public interest of all  Deltans across board, the statement added.

Ijaw youth leaders caution Rivers Elders stand against Gov. Fubara

Ijaw youth leaders caution Rivers Elders stand against Gov. Fubara

Press Release 3/11/2023.

Ijaw Youth Leaders of Thought Cautions the Rivers State Elders Forum for the Biased Position  Against H.E Siminalayi Fubara, the Governor of Rivers State.

It is glaring that the self-styled group, the Rivers State Elders Forum, is compromised and has taken sides with  Barr. Nyesom Wike, the FCT Minister, over the current political crisis rocking the state. It is unstatesmanly of them to come to the public with the intention to cause more crisis by applauding the ill-fated and widely condemned and rejected move by Barr. Nyesom Wike to impeach the governor by using some gullible and selfish members of the Rivers State House of Assembly. 

It is appalling that the so-called Rivers State Elders Forum, led by Chief Ferdinand Alabraba, decided to ruin their honour and reputation by brazenly claiming that it was false that the cruel and unprofessional action of the security agents by firing teargas and pouring water on the governor during his inspection visit to the House of Assembly Complex over the fire incident was instigated by Barr. Nyesom Wike. We are highly disappointed in the Elders Forum, and we condemn their ungodly and blackmail-intended claim that the Ijaw Nation's support for Sir Siminalayi Fubara is ethnically coloured. 
As elders, their position is expected to be a condemnation of the aborted plot of Barr. Nyesom Wike and not to state anything more or less. The plan of Barr. Nyesom Wike was to cause unrest in Rivers State and use the opportunity to sneak in through the back door another man of Ikwere extraction as Governor of the state. This is the danger the elders ought to have seen and confronted instead of grovelling and genuflecting to Barr. Nyesom Wike before the glare of the entire world by shamelessly singing his praises. They failed woefully for not making it clear to Barr. Nyesom Wike, as expected by the world, that Rivers State is not his private company where he is at liberty to hire and fire at will. They also failed for not publicly condemning the attempt of those disgruntled members of the House of Assembly to impeach the Governor who has not committed any constitutional infraction. They also failed the expectation of the public by not calling on all parties to cease fire and come to a dialogue to resolve the impasse.

We strongly advise this self-appointed Rivers State Elders Forum to tread carefully and be mindful of their choice of words when referring to Gov. Siminalayi Fubara and the  Ijaw Nation. The Ijaw nation is not at war with any neighbour and, therefore, should not be projected as clamouring for ethnic conflict in Rivers State. It is their right to protect their son if any oppressor is seen coming like a lion after him to devour him. It is a simple parental obligation the Elders Forum failed to execute. Barr. Nyesom Wike has also benefited from this Ijaw protection in the past.

We state categorically that Barr. Nyesom Wike has enjoyed the support of the Ijaw people in all his political outings, especially in his elections for the state's governorship. The Elders Forum should remember the storm that confronted the Ijaw nation when an Ijaw daughter, Dame Patience Jonathan, against the interest of then governor of the state, H.E Rotimi Amaechi, and the ambition of an Ijaw son,  Dr.  Dakuku Peterside, singlehandedly facilitated his becoming the governor of Rivers State. The Ijaw people neither distracted him nor conspired against him but, in all eight years, cooperated and allowed him to complete his tenure, not minding the occasional infringements on their rights.

The governor is a peace-loving gentleman and has remained loyal and committed to serving the Rivers people even in the face of provocation and high-handedness from his predecessor. He does not deserve distractions and, therefore, should be allowed to exercise the mandate given to him by the good people of Rivers State. 

We shall not hesitate to resist any form of intimidation from Barr. Nyesom Wike and his cohorts and may be tempted to cover the streets of Port-Harcourt should the need arise. We therefore call on all well-meaning Nigerians to rise and condemn these self-seeking elders who have been hired to throw the Niger Delta into political turmoil.  


Comrade Jackson Agbor

Comrade Moses Omare.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Ebolo, Jennifer Set to Exchange Marital Vows Nov 4th, in Warri

Ebolo, Jennifer Set to Exchange Marital Vows Nov 4th, in Warri 

Warri ____ The Oil city of Warri will boom on Saturday the 4th of November, 2023 as the Chairman of all Chairmen IYC Western Zone, Comr. Ebolo Samuel exchange marital vows with his lovely wife, Mrs Ebolo Jennifer.

The two love birds have invited friends and members of the general public to grace their epoch making marriage ceremony in Warri on Saturday 4th of November 2023.

Meanwhile, a lot of dignitaries across the country, especially Delta, Bayelsa, Edo, Ondo and Rivers States will be storming Warri for the marriage ceremony.

Nevertheless, it has been reported that the President of Ijaw Youth Council (IYC) Worldwide, Sir Jonathan Lokpobiri Snr is chairman of the marriage ceremony in Warri along side other prominent dignitaries that will be turning out for the event.
On entertainment, a multiple award winning firebrand Ijaw musician, Chief Kingsley Takemebo, alias the Mienkuro will be live to entertain dignitaries.

Venue for the marriage is Jubilee retreat & Conference Centre at Enerhen, Warri, Delta State.

Ebolo and his lovely wife had maintained that preparation towards hosting as many as possible dignitaries during the event is on top gear.