Featured Article: The Leader And His Modern Day Slaves_By Augustine E
As the caption implies, this article is intended to unveil a fact that most persons we see as Leaders or call Leaders, particularly amongst the POLITICAL CLASS are not Leaders in essence but SLAVE MASTERS, and their followers, MODERN DAY SLAVES. For better understanding of the subject under discourse, it is imperative to briefly know who is a Leader and Slave respectively in plain language.
Leader is a person who leads or commands a group; one with vision and pathway, the leader is seen upon as to how things are done and can improve upon, therefore the leader inspires passion and motivation in followers and rallies them to move towards realizing set goals. There are good and bad leaders.
Good Leader also called Great Leader, is one that possess a clear vision, is courageous, has integrity, honesty, humility, adapts to their surrounding environment with clear focus. Great leaders are passionate about developing or helping people reach their goals, are not afraid to hire people (not family members and cronies alone) that might be better than them and take pride in the accomplishments of those they helped along the way. They are constantly working to improve the emotional intelligence and know of the led; knowing well that, strong team culture is the solid foundation for accomplishing a mission. Great Leaders are always in a state of preparedness to embrace any situation, be it inevitable or unpleasant changes that may occur along the line. A Good or Great Leader lives above board!
Conversely, Bad Leader, also called Poor Leader, is a Leader that fails to inform others of decisions being made. Such Leader don't clarify important things with people and are surprised when others don't understand them. He or she assume that others have the same opinion as him or her. They don't ask for feedback, or are dismissive of it when they receive it.
On it's part, Slave is a person who is the legal property of another person and is forced to obey his or her owner. In essence, a slave is wholly subject to another person and forced to provide unpaid labour for his or her owner. Manipulation, coercion or control of an adult or child engaging in forced labour, commercial sex, child trafficking, domestic servitude, POLITICAL SERVITUDE, etcetera, are different types of slaves. Slave could as well mean a person entirely under domination of some influence, e.g. alcohol, prostitution, etcetera.
Going into brass tag, you won't argue the fact, if not being a living witness to the fact that while Politicians from other climes are building wealthy youths through empowerment and other opportunities, our Political Leaders merely think of that, not to speak of empowering our youths and indeed the citizenry.
Infact, may it interest you to know that your Leader representing you is same time the Major Government Contractor from your Constituency that gets all the Government Projects, raking all the Peoples Commonwealth or the Multi-billion Naira due you to himself and smiling to his bank(s) on monthly basis, while you wallow in abject poverty.
When elections are approaching, they contribute to your ceremonies and attend to all invitations, particularly burial, as if that will bring the dead back to life; same person(s) who never cared or give a hoot to your challenges and indeed the challenges of the dead when alive!
Like in the past, which is playing out again now that elections are near, our Sit-tight Political Leaders having known that they have loosed popularity, have started resorting to illuminating the paths for political thuggery. Oh yeah, they have been busy and happily superintending over our youths with a view to ensuring that they are sufficiently hungry enough to be recruited with pittance to do the work of thuggery in the next elections!
There is no doubt that your Leader(s) have tuned your brain, if not hypnotized you, in such a way that you no longer see yourself as human being like them, not worthy to wear same shoes they wear; appreciating nothing good about yourself and forgetting the fact that you were living happily without them.
From the day you accepted to wholly rely on them for survival, you ceased to be human being before them. They are so uncivilized that at best they only consider you as a fixer or implement used in fixing their lives.
Infact, anything you do that does not conform with their capitalist mindset is considered disloyal and conspiracy against them!
Over the decades, you have been denied lots of opportunities you are qualified for after you have sacrificed your all for their upliftment into different offices from the Local Government through the State Government to the Federal Government. On arrival at their Offices, rather than uplift you, they labelled you confrontational, talks too much (for always saying the truth for the benefit of all) and called you lots of other denigrating names with a view to run you down completely and permanently, so that you will not be able to raise your voice or seek any Office.
Worst of all, it is said that most of these men and women you call Leaders are camaraderies of cowardice hidding under a coterie of friends. That, they are very heartless; some are said to "belong" to only God knows what! When you were working for them, there was no name calling or grammar like "belong", but when you ask for your right after they have become victorious and inaugurated, they deny you your right because you don't "belong". "Belong to what, you devil?!
They are said to be operating a satanic circle which I guess you all know but can't talk. Talk, they will suppress you the more, don't talk, you are ruined. Therefore, for me, I will continue to talk till we are emancipated from the shackles of these satanic men and women you call Leaders.
Consequent upon the above, vis-a-vis the illegality of slavery in Nigeria, would I be wrong to say that the Leader is A SLAVE MASTER and the led A MODERN DAY SLAVE? I doubt!
Folks, from the foregoing, would you still want to be A MODERN DAY SLAVE by being loyal and committed to such persons that don't want you to be self dependent, but uses you as goon or thug to kill and destroy the destiny of others, while promoting their children to replace themselves in strategic elective and appointive positions in Government, chauffeur driven to School and the best places in Europe, America and Dubai for shopping?
We were all born naked but not empty; and you did not escort any person to this world! You are uniquely created and gifted, and nobody can make you inferior unless you consent. The power people have over you is given to them by you; and if you don't bend your back, no one can ride on you, so have self confidence and be coordinated. Whatever situation you find yourself, pray and work harder, creating ideas to better yourself than depend totally on mortals that are living same life of vanity like yours. Even if I were living from hand to mouth, I would rather a thousand times be a FREE SOUL, than be a sycophant, coward and indeed SLAVE, portraying and worshipping mankind just for crumbs from their table and receive all sorts of insults, disgrace and inhuman treatment from them. The bitter truth is that it is not late to rediscover yourself, and the time is now!
You the educated but disillusioned voter that has opted out of the political space, it is high time you retrace your footsteps and create awareness for the ignorant and hungry electorate that accepts a token for a pot of soup on election day(s) and give license or blank cheque to our representatives to plunder our Commonwealth in perpetuity. This is because "The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant" - Maximilien Ropespierre. It is worthy to note that "we do not have government by the majority, we have governmfent by majority who participate" - Thomas Jefferson. That, "Bad Officials are elected by good citizens who don't vote" - George Jean Nathan.
It was and still said that a former Dishonourable Member in our State House of Assembly for two tenure of eight years only spoke for eight minutes and two seconds in the Assembly Chambers, concurring to Bills and Motions sponsored and moved by other Members to better their Constituents and Constituency! Is this not a joke taking too far? This is because when it is about a tailor, mechanic, plumber, doctor, etcetera, you look for the best, but when it comes to electing or selecting a leader that will be saddled with the responsibility of making laws and policies for your overall well-being, you allow sentiment(s) to override your sense of reasoning. Who bewitched you, folks?!
Besides, it is ironical to note that if animals have never allowed the dumbest of the herd to lead them, I wonder why we humans have sometimes, if not many a times voted the dumbest to lead us! Honestly, we cannot afford to vote such person(s) again if we MUST be emancipated and progress as a people!
Therefore, this is the time to say NO to the clueless representatives cum ineffectual buffoons who sleep in the Nation's Assemblies and chicken out from matters that affect their constituents, but gullibly pack the crumbs given them from their own wealth, only to return home boastfully intimidating their subjugated followers.
In view of the foregoing, "choose your Leaders with wisdom and forethought. To be led by a coward is to be controlled by all that the coward fears. To be led by a fool is to be led by the opportunists who control the fool. To be led by a thief is to offer up your most precious treasures to be stolen. To be led by a liar is to be asked to be told lies. To be led by a tyrant is to sell yourself and those you love into slavery" - Octavia Butler.
Since I picked my pen to fight injustice some years back, my Articles which are thoroughly researched, tightly argued and morally powerful, have been like continuous lightening in a pitch dark night, pushing aside darkness and revealing the pathway for all to see, so you can trace your way to greatness. Folks, it is hoped that you will not allow my untiring efforts to emancipate you look like water poured on a Duck!
Corollary to the above, I wish to humbly appeal to the Delegates to the forthcoming Elections that even if an Aspirant gives you N1,000,000 (One Million Naira) or more, don't vote him or her if the person is not the most qualified to represent or govern us, please. "Qualified" here means sound mind, good education, intelligence, moral uprightness, being humble, politically time tested, experienced, selfless, trusted and above all, God-fearing!
To the Electorates generally, your Permanent Voter's Card (PVC) is your power and magic-wand to vote out your SLAVE MASTER and emancipate yourselves POLITICALLY AND SOCIOECONOMICALLY, which is tantamount to freeing yourself from MODERN DAY SLAVERY. Note that "To be free is not merely to CAST OFF ONE'S CHAINS, but to live in a way that respects and ENHANCES THE FREEDOM OF OTHERS" - Nelson Mandela.
The wise man takes his decision(s) in line with reality, while the ignorant and foolish man follows public opinion, even though wrong! "A word is enough for the wise", "the wise man hears and increases in learning"! I hope I made your day?!
Hon. Prince Edumogiren Augustine.
April 23, 2022.