Alaowei Fredrick Owotorufa will make the Oil Language Plain
It is an indisputable fact that Oil is the reason for the existence of Nigeria. The fact that Oil is produced majorly from Ijaw land is also not in doubt.
That the Ijaw people have not tasted enough of the sweetness of the Oil is also correct.
It is true also that the pith of the Ijaw struggle is to control the Oil Economy.
The fact that Ijaw nation is in extremely urgent need of a leader who can speak the language of Oil and guide them into the wealth of their land is not in any dispute.
There is no argument, FREDRICK ENDOROKEME OWOTORUFA is the man with the PASSWORD.
Surely, Fred Owotorufa will pass the access code to job seekers, scholarship applicants, contractors, and those in search of skills training opportunities.
According to King Robert Ebizimor,"Fred Owotorufa has surely come to HELP the Ijaw nation".
Support Alaowei FRED ENDOROKEME OWOTORUFA with prayers and your VOTE.
Together, let us work towards a greater, united Ijaw nation.
_Fred Brisibe
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