Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Opinion: The Menace of Broken Relationships, Man and Woman, Who is Most Responsible

Opinion: The Menace of Broken Relationships, Man and Woman, Who is Most Responsible ?


Men hardly end relationships or marriages. it's always some women who find it very easy to break or scatter relationships and marriage.

There are always statistics to back up these claims.

The reason why some women finds it very easy and lucrative to break up, divorce or end relationships and marriage is simply because they don't invest much on those enterprise rather they are the highest beneficiaries of those enterprise.

Some Men can endure and tolerate a women shenanigans and still try to make things work even if its not favoring them, some men can stay in such hostile environment believing and hoping that things could change for better but women don't have such patience at all.

The moments in which any relationships and marriage fail to favor some women to their own satisfaction, the next thing they think about is how to end the relationship and look for another man.

Most times this their attitude comes from the knowing that they don't have anything much to lose since they never even invested in the relationship at all and again they tend to break it easily when they know that they have benefited more than they have lost.

Its always the man who suffers the loss more than the women, he yields the highest responsibilities in marriage and relationship, he does the most, most times those women are just there adding nothing but sex and babies that the man can get cheaply from other women out there.

It is what it is.

This is why i warn you, brothers.

Never invest in a woman what you can't let go of when she disappoints you.

They have nothing to lose, so they won't think twice about dumping you if it pleases them

Be wise.

ABK 💪🤗🥰

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